Sunday 19 November 2017

World First Human Head Transplant Successful

It has been reported that the world's first human head transplant has been carried out on a corpse in China, according to an Italian Professor Sergio Canavero.

It took surgeons 18 hours to complete the feat of medical engineering, which is now being hailed among the heady heights of surgical excellence.

The operation was carried out on a corpse and has now proved it’s possible to successfully reconnect the spine, nerves and blood vessels.

He added an operation on a live human will take place ‘imminently’.

At a press conference in Vienna Prof Canavero, said:
"The first human transplant on human cadavers has been done".
"A full head swap between brain dead organ donors is the next stage and that is the final step for the formal head transplant for a medical condition which is imminent".

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